LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD FAQs


Can LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD be used by young adults?

We recommend that LashesMD or HowNowBrowMD not be used by individuals under the age of 18.


What about animal testing and animal ingredients?

No animal testing was performed in the production of LashesMD or HowNowBrowMD and there are no animal by-products in LashesMD or HowNowBrowMD. The manufacture of LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD is “cruelty-free.”


How long will it take to see initial results?

Most customers see initial results in a few weeks of consistent, continued use.


Are you coming out with any new products?

We are actively working on innovative, high quality additional products to bring to the public.


Can men use LashesMD and/or HowNowBrowMD?

Yes, LashesMD and/or HowNowBrowMD improve the attractiveness of both women and men’s natural eyelashes and eyebrows.


Do LashesMD or HowNowBrowMD contain a “drug” ingredient?

No. The ingredients used in LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD are not controlled compounds. Otherwise, they would be classified as a drug and require FDA approval.


Are LashesMD and/or HowNowBrowMD FDA approved?

No, the ingredients used in LashesMD or HowNowBrowMD are not required to be approved by the FDA. It is our responsibility to substantiate the safety of our product and to verify that our claims are accurate and truthful. The ingredients of LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD are either known to be, or have been tested by reputable, independent research laboratories and have been found to be, safe and effective. None of the safety tests involved animal testing.


Do I need a prescription for LashesMD or HowNowBrowMD?

No, there is no need to have a prescription.


Are LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD clinically tested?

Yes, all the ingredients in LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD have been subject to multiple tests to determine their safety and effectiveness.


What can you tell me about the ingredients in LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD?

The formulas for LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD are composed of several different ingredients, all in specific proportions, and all of which together contribute to the efficacy of our product. All the ingredients in LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD have been tested and have excellent safety profiles.


Can I use LashesMD and HowNowBrowMD with permanent make up?

Neither LashesMD nor HowNowBrowMD should not affect your permanent eyeliner. If you have just recently finished getting your permanent make up application, please make sure the tattooing has completely healed and you consult with your tattoo consultant or physician prior to using LashesMD or HowNowBrowMD.


Can I use LashesMD if I wear contact lenses?

Our tests have shown that, when used as directed, LashesMD does not get into the eyes. Therefore, LashesMD is safe for use with contact lenses. If LashesMD does get in the eye, flush eye with clean water and clean contact lenses. If irritation persists, stop the use of LashesMD.


Can you use LashesMD on your eyebrows?

LashesMD, when consistently applied to the eyebrows, will also help improve the growth, thickness, and strength of your eyebrows.


What if I discontinue use of LashesMD?

With your first tube of LashesMD, we are confident you will see beautiful results. To maintain results, we recommend that you continue to use LashesMD daily. If you discontinue use of LashesMD, because of the short lifecycle (three to four months) of human eyelashes, your eyelashes may gradually return to their original appearance.


Can you use HowNowBrowMD on your eyelashes?

No. HowNowBrowMD cannot be used on the eyelashes.  If you do get on your eyelashes, rinse immediately with water. For thicker, longer looking eyelashes, we recommend using our LashesMD which is specifically formulated for the eyelash area.


Do I need to use a gel or another product to hold my brows in place?

No. HowNowBrowMD holds your brows in place for a natural look.


What if I discontinue use of HowNowBrowMD?

With your first tube of HowNowBrowMD, we are confident you will see beautiful results. To maintain results, we recommend that you continue to use HowNowBrowMD daily. If you discontinue use of HowNowBrowMD, your eyebrows may gradually return to their original appearance.